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September 5, 2010

Hellow sweeties (:

Blame me for being so much irresponsible, I should post more often :$ While on my math exam today, after trying for 4536923 to solve a problem without success, I started thinking about what should I post, because i had to post something before you all forgot about this blog.

So I should start by telling you about Model United Nations. It is one of my favourite things to do. For those unfamiliar with the term, MUN is an even in which we participate as simulated delegates from UN and discuss and debate about worldwide issues to find solutions according to your countries interests. I love it so much that I’m planning to do that when I grow up (:
So we have one of these events in the school each year. There are other MUNs from other schools (way cooler than ours, but I’m just saying)  and I’m probably also participating on those. This year we ninth graders are in charge of organizing it, so it will be the bomb ;D The main event is on may, so until we start fixing everything (imo, we should start as early as possible), we will have provisional countries to practice our debating and investigation skills. Guess my provisional country.
Pakistan! ❤ Okay, I’m not a real fan of middle east countries, but hell I have to love it to be a great delegate ;D So after finishing this, I will start investigating about it. I’m probably posting here the results of my investigation tomorrow, so we all learn hell of a lot about it (:

In other issues, yesterday and today I took some math tests. They are part of a series of exams for the International Math Olympics (or something like that). I really like math, I am somehow good at it, and I’ve been attending to some courses to prepare for these exams, but hell, this problems are meant for you to rip your brains off with your bare hands. It is one of the hardest exams I’ve taken, and they are made up of only 3 freaking questions each.
While trying to not shoot myself at the middle of the test yesterday, I started getting philosophic. Like thinking about what I want to be in the future and what am I doing for it in the present. One of the boys taking those exams is like a little genius for real. He Has been into Russia, S. Korea and Kazakstan (where the hell is that?) because of his math abilities and effort in the IMO.  It is really something to admire. It would be cooler if his ego was not as big as it is, thou 😉 So he is really preparing thing for his future. What am I doing? What are YOU doing?

Somehow related, I will tell you about friday. It was a friends sweet VX, and I was on of her maids (: I had to go to the Mass and that stuff. For this, I am atheist/agnostic, and I’m somehow disappointed by the catholic church and some part of its doctrine. However, the priest  said some really true things (which I have somehow read before on a Facebook like page lol).
He told us, briefly, that we have to focus on our present since the past has already gone, and the present will someday go aswell, so we have to enjoy it. But it is true our future will come someday aswell, so we have to use our present for 2 things: enjoy it, and prepare for the future. So we will have our hands full and no moment will be wasted. That is what I call great (:

To much drama? Well, I enjoyed the party a lot. We had to dance a waltz and a remix, and believe me i was dying because of the nerves. seriously, I got more nervous there than when going to take admissions exams or participating in MUNs. After, that, it was great ;D

I am finally getting music for my new OS since the last one died (: so please suggest some groups, as I’m running out of ideas. By now, I will recommend you a song I stumbled upon with in YouTube some time ago.
It is Logistics by The Ready Set.

I liked it a lot, hope you do aswell (:

I’m going now, my homework has to get done 😛

Take care sweeties, and suggest me more music (:

My books miss me.

August 27, 2010

I will visit it someday. For real.

Seriously, I haven’t read a single page of a novel since like 3 weeks or so. And for my standards, that is a lot. Reading is one of my favourite things to do, but lately my reading habits have sunk deeply. Like Titanic.

It seems that there is always something else to do. Like not necessarily something hell important like school projects, but I haven’t had a random moment with absolutely nothing to do, like, I am always inventing stuff to keep myself busy… like this blog ;D

Actually, when thinking of about it, the fact that there is alway something to do is extremely great. Because that means I am not wasting my time, right? Time is equal to life, so there is a good point there.

I must admit, however, I truly miss those moments in sixth grade when I could just sit down and devour a 500-pages teenage novel in a week. Those days were glory.

So, what am I reading/not reading right now? A novel by awesome Paulo Coelho. It is entitled “The Pilgrimage”, or Diário de Um Mago, in its original Portuguese. It tells the story of a man who was about to become part of an organization that deals with magic and spirituality (I know it sound extremely random, believe it is not). He has to undergo a final test, but he fails (lol FAIL), so know he has to walk an ancient pilgrimage route called Way of St. James, mainly in Spain. During his pilgrimage he will stand against his own personal demons and tests, so he can reach his final goal: Santiago de Compostella.

I can relate this to my life, like, a lot. Hopes, dreams, everything. I’ll speak you later about that, I don’t want to get too cheesy in this post (:

Coelho is one of my favourites authors, and this book is really good so far. I wont recommend it until I finish reading it, and I don’t want to commit the fallacy of saying it is good just because Coelho wrote it. Things doesn’t work that way. However I may later write about other novels by him, which I have finished and loved (;

Just to finish and go to sleep, I will tell you how awesome it feels to get an old friend back and settle things down. If you happen to read this, you know I love you (:

Take care (:

“Prepare yourselves because…”

August 26, 2010

Today I had the first class of a new subject called Mental Abilities Development (DHM, for its initials in Spanish).The professor is our former Spanish professor from eight grade. He told us the subject would help us be prepared for the ability tests we will be taking as admission exams for highschool. So today’s class was dedicated to a brief summary of the possible high schools we have to choose from. In the afternoon I told my family about this, and my brother said it is always the same. In 9th grade they wont spot talking about high schools, and in 12th grade they will cover you with information about Colleges.

And well, it makes perfect sense. Some people, like my brother, think this shouldn’t be. They believe the student should be the one interested and he should investigate about highschool by themselves. I’m not sure what is my opinion on the topic. In one side, my brother is right, as we should start being independent at this point. On the other side,… well, I’ve just realized there is no excuse for the other side. However, if only the kids who are mature enough to investigate about highschool for themselves were those entering it, private HS would have no market at all! And I am including myself on the side of those who would not investigate, I’m not going to lie… Let’s be honest, most kids my age are lost in the limbo, and I’m also including myself in that.

So, what is the solutions for this? Should teachers leave us to our fate and let survival of the fittest take place? Or should they keep giving us answers to questions many of us haven’t even formulated so we don’t fail? Maybe the first option would be the right in some cases, so we know what it’s like to fall, and we have to get back up… or maybe not (:

I sometimes believe we are so much lost because we are always given everything easily.

Today I wrote in my essay for the first time in like a lot. I was amazed by how much concentration I achieved. I’m the most distractable person ever, seriously. But this time I could finish writing a lot, and with another afternoon of focused work like this, I believe the freaking essay will be finished.

Let’s close this day with a song. Yei 😀
Confide is an American metalcore band from Los Angeles, California, formed in 2004. They have released two EPs and three full-length albums. Due to the fact that the band is on a secular label they are not marketed in the “Christian” market, but their faith plays a big role in their personal lives as well as their music.
Thanks, wikipedia.
Such Great Heights is a cover from Postal Service. I really like Confide’s version better, but that’s just me. Give your opinion on that (:

The Postal Service:
The Postal Service is a west coast American electronic indie pop band composed of vocalist Ben Gibbard of Death Cab for Cutie and producer Jimmy Tamborello of Dntel, Headset.

August 24, 2010

I promise to do my best to try to not get cheesy in this blog… too cheesy.

Yesterday I had my first day of ninth grade. It is the last year of Jr. High, and some kind of important. I have really high expectations. It was a really nice day, and I had fun both at school and during the afternoon.

And of course, yesterday Miss Universe Pageant took place at Las Vegas, Nevada. Miss Mexico took the first place, hell yeah. It makes me feel a little bit more pretty.

In contrast with yesterday, today has felt like the most long day ever. Every class was slower than the last one. It was really funny how I looked at the schedule in every period just to find out there were hell lot more classes before the day ended, even when I felt like a whole day had passed already.

And today I got my first official/formal math homework. 42 polynomial multiplications. Sweet. I’m not sure if they are a lot or very little. Also, we have to do some collage work for history class.

Besides homework, I am working on an essay for a writing contest.  It is about re-elections at Mexico. It is a little hard, and requires tons of concentration, which I haven’t been able of getting lately. I have to finish before the first of September to meet the deadline, September the third.

My computer hasn’t been of much help lately. The wireless receptor died, and I had to have my OS reinstalled. Now I am working with Windows XP, formerly Windows Vista. They say XP is better, but I miss my old friend ): So I’m dealing with reinstalling everything that made my laptop easier to deal with, and I totally hate the blue color of the task bar. Remember kids, ALWAYS install Windows updates.

Finally, yesterday during art class we listened to Vivaldi’s Four Seasons. Call me ignorant, but I really like Mayday Parade better.

I’m off to do my homework. Have fun (: