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En mi rancho se llama bebeleche.

February 28, 2011
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Hoy me di cuenta, gracias a una personita que admiro mucho, que he sido víctima de la cultura angloparlante.
Pero no podría decir víctima, ya que yo misma lo he permitido.

Y el ejemplo más claro está en que el día que decidí leer literatura de calidad, de la escrita antiguamente que ahora marca los parámetros del los pensamientos chingones ilustres, escogí libros escritos en inglés originalmente. Bueno, tambien unos en italiano y alemán, pero dejé completamente olvidado el español.

Y esa personita hoy nos enseñó el porqué de la literatura latinoamericana, ¡y tiene razón! Y me pregunto, ¿cómo me atrevo a buscar por fuera algo que tengo aquí mismo?

De ésta forma, declaro oficialmente que mi blog va a ser escrito en español. Oh si, el hermoso y flexible idioma más difícil del mundo, porque tenemos que aprovechar esa tan grande belleza que tenemos.

Pero no me arrepiento de haber querido leer a extranjeros, ya que creo que esa es la hermosura de ser humano.

Como neoleonesa de leche, puedo admirar la obra de Alfonso Reyes.
Como mexicana, puedo fascinarme en las tradiciones y leyendas de los pueblos prehispánicos.
Como latinoamericana, puedo leer toda la infinidad de autores que han dejado un legado de identidad mejor formada, pues fue escogida.
Como ciudadana del mundo, puedo llenar mi biblioteca de todo lo escrito en cualquier lugar y época.

Como mujer reconozco que mis retos serán más costosos que lo que serían si fuera hombre, mas como humano tengo la certeza de que pocas cosas podrán impedir que crezca, y por el momento no recuerdo ninguna.

Así que terminaré de urgencia Cumbres Borrascosas para poder empezar a leer a Cortázar (:

Por ciertou, tengo un gatito (: Se llama Charlotte…
y hace mucho desmadre :L

Los quiero pequeñines ❤

AMO a esa tipa y quiero ser como ella algun dia y quiero tener una bandita de lentejuelas así ❤

Can’t believe in everything you are told.

February 23, 2011

This past two days can be described as gray to black colour.

Not sad, just still.

I officially hate clocks.

Smile, you are gorgeous.

January 31, 2011

Hellow beautiful people.

I fell ashamed for letting you down for so much time, and I’m not even sure why was it.
Maybe I didn’t got enough space in my procrastination filled agenda.

I have to make some mayor decisions if I plan to get more organized. Maybe closing facebook is a little to drastic, but i could try leaving it at the end. I really need to leave it at the end.

Then, I should pay attention to my agenda. I always write 23042’3 things i have to do, and end up just doing half of them.

Have you ever feel a mayor need for helping others? Maybe right now i just feel like killing someone, but that is most likely due to my humor, and i hope you get what i mean.
No, seriously, i want to be a volunteer for something. Because i feel just hanging around doing nothing is not worth the effort.

I finnished the story i was writting, called “Lagrimas de Ambar”. I sent it to a literature contest in spain, and hope to get something cool about it, but i’m not getting my hopes very high lol.
I think I will start writting something this week. It is about a suicidal kid (don’t blame me for this) who meets a girl with lupus, and well, if you know what lupus is, you are most likely to know this girl suffers a lot.
That story would have a little detication to all our oh-so-loved dramatic teens who don’t realise how fortunate they are.

Speaking of which, i’m planning an starting a challenge: A reason a day.
It is about uploading 1 daily reason of why is your life awesome, maybe to a facebook album. At the end, you shall have 200 reasons, and maybe you will realise as well why you are really fortunate.
Our reason number one should be: I have socks.
You see, many people don’t have any socks.

I am reading an AMAZING book called “The Perks of being a Wallflower”, by Stephen Chbosky. It is about a little guy (i believe he is somehow sick) that enters highschool and everything he lives in it and writes in what i believe is his diary.
Charlie, the guy, is lovely. Completely lovely.
I highly recommend it to all of you.

I am reading also Wuthering heights, and hope to finish soon or else i won’t be able to achieve my 11 books challenge.

Tomorrow we start our bimestral exams, and i really need some magic to take place here.
But that depends on me, so lets make it happen.

Love you all (:

Promising hot new artist. Not justinbieberesk. What else can we ask for? ❤

And when he goes, he goes with a smile.

January 10, 2011

So let's see what happens.

Tomorrow we will be back to school. :c

In one side, well, it will be good as it will help me get more organized, be closer to my oh-so-needed scholarship, maybe get in a contest or two, and so.

In the other side, I HAAATE going back to school :c And I know It is quite stupid, as a school is the mayor place for learning, but for Christ sake, why so early?

Blah, Ms. Dean in Wuthering Heights says that if you do not get done half of your daily work by 10 o’clock, you will probably not finnish the other half.
So what other remedy do we have?

Oh well.
Recently I finished the longer story a have written since ever. It is like 21 pages long, and even when it is not that much, it is a lot for me. The problem is that since it is for a contest, it should have been no longer than 20 pages. And I hate it since I hade to scrunch everything at the en to make it fit.

So I hate it enough to not send it, even when the storyline is pretty cool. I am writting another one, and I am LOVING it. and the story line is somehow advanced, like I am around the middle, and have not even got to 10 pages. In a normal circumstance that would be kind of patethic, but at this point with lenght limits, it is heaven, believe me.

I am writting at a rate of 1000 daily words, more than i have written ever, and it feels extremly great. Apparently, this year I will accomplish some of my resolutions.

And that is good, isn’t it? (:

Hope you are doing nice with yours c:
Have a nice beggining of classes, I love you all ❤

There was no lyrics video for Deseperate Andy, so listen to this instead (:

rawr ❤

Two oh Eleven:Eleven

December 31, 2010

Hello my dears.

This is our New Year’s Eve Special 😀
So I would like to recall what I learned this year. I can’t believe it is over, like, so many, many, things happened I can’t even believe they all happened in so little time.

In January, I learned that some guys don’t deserve you to want them. haha That has been a mayor discovery, truly.
Also, I learned that there is no need for you to be nervous in a MUN or any other project, you have to be sure you can do a great work because you can. Believing you can do it is key for doing it.

February was a month of heart breaks. I learned to truly miss someone. I learned to truly feel I needed someone, and that took me to understand that phrase by Coelho, “you don’t own anyone.”

That continued through March, my birthday. I got to realize 1/9 of my life had passed, and I haven’t done anything real. That is depressing lol. so I commit myself to get something done, something to be remembered.

April then was the beginning of summer, something beautiful. Summer is always believed to be the best part of everything, it is full of sunshine, and I truly needed that sunshine. But that month got me into some mistakes that shouldn’t have taken place. Well, I don’t know, mistakes make us grow, and now I know there are some thing you better keep to yourself. At the end, I am still sorry.

Emo enough? I don’t remember something interesting happened in may… oh, I remember now. I believe it was when I decided I want to study Economy and that stuff…

Now June is a month that has marked my life so much… There were some thing I wont ever forget about it, and I wouldn’t change at all.

July and august where all about June and what i got from that month.

Then September brought many tears, but I truly believe crying here prevented me from crying after this month.

The joy came again in October.

Then in November, well, what can I say about this month? Maybe that I will never forget it? and I truly will not ever forget it, of forget who I met here. Aswell, this month I learned that I am worth hell of a lot, and there is no one who can make me feel less than what I am. And that if someone you love makes you feel less, then there is no point in loving them.

Thankfully, drama is over here in december. haha This was really an amazing month, I had so much fun and loved a lot. This time there was really little drama for me, and that is awesome hahaha (; Also this month I started some projects I hope to end, and loved books more than I had loved them in a lot of time.

And so, this year is over, what am I expecting from next one?
Even when I said i would not do New Year Resolutions, I finally surrender to them. hahaha And more this year than ever.

  1. Read 11 books. At least. Why eleven? you see, I love this 11:11 thingie, so I’ll stick to that number.
  2. Write something worth publishing. Long, readable, with a good story, narrative and characters.
  3. For the past resolution, I have to commit to write everyday. Lets say 500 daily words. Maybe at some point of the year I will rise that number, haha.
  4. As doctors recommend, exercise at least 3 times a week.
  5. Get that freaking scholarship I want so much.

Everything material I want is reachable. And I will work for it.

Finally, as my major resolution, and as I already stated,

I will take advantage to the fullest of every single second of my life.

Because none of those moments will come back, and times running out.

Want something? Work for it.
Are you hurt? Cry, but not that much.
Is it too dark and sad inside? Go outside. I swear it is sunny, or starry, or fresh, and always beautiful.

And as Mary Schimch says, wear sunscreen.

Love you all, have the happiest Year of all, but not happier than the next.

Stay Calm and Celebrate,

Apple has amazing publicity.

Take me back to the start…

December 27, 2010

is it me, or from one moment to the other all girls developed a passion for photographie?

I dunno if i told you before, but I write.
Like, short stories, wannabe novels, etc…
I haven’t written a lot. Actually, I (almost) never finish anything.

But I just read a book by Stephen King that is better than the bible (reserve your comments, i’m agnostic). Seriously, I feel totally iluminated, as if i had just discovered literature’s El Dorado.

They key, in my opinion? Determination.

And it is something many people (including myself) lack. Maybe I have been a little more determined since I woke up from my tarantums and realiced that a) life’s a bitch, b) you’ve got to work it out before it screw’s you, c) you truly have to do something, no exceptions.

Yes, I know all of them are quiet obvious, but hell, I hadn’t figure them out aqs clear as until some months ago. Maybe it started when I realised I am really going to have to work the hell out of me to get to the highschool i want to go. No crying, no sobbing about it being to expensive and the competence for the scholarship being to hard. That wont help at all. If i want it, i will have to work for it.

Same, as I am seeing right now, it is exaclty the same for writting. if you don’t sit down determined to write 1000 words, you won’t do it. Exceptions? Yes. I’ll invite you a meal if you bring me an exception, however (and they must write good, i’m not inviting to dinner someone who writes worse than me, no excuses).

So, an hour ago i wrote 1300 beautiful words. they still need revisions, editing and pulishing, but they are still there, with their thumbs up, smiling. And they are all mine ❤

Also, today I got some fake nails that look pretty (;
I'll go to eat something, and then read Cumbres Borrascosas.
It is only 8:00 and I feel the day was productive, and i usually don't feel that during school days. Ironic.

333 words make a wish, and have fun ❤
love you all (:

oh, almost forgot.
just because fashion is fashionable, it doesn't mean it looks good. seriously. no.

About me, about nerds.

December 17, 2010
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Hellow sweeties (:
I have come to the conclusion than writing without involving personal feelings isn’t fullfilling. I have come to the notice aswell that it would be nice for me to introduce myself even when most of you already know me (:

So yeah, my name is Marie and I am 15 years old. I live in Islandia and have a pile of books that i NEED to read. The problem is that because of my horrible habits and my lack of concentration I have come to be short of time always. I also believe Mr. Time is against me, like the Mad Hatter said.

I have like 293425033423’52 things I plan to do and almost never do anything at the end. I like to write. Indeed, it is one of my favourite things to do. I like to think I am good at writing romantic stories and stuff like that.

I love music. Nietzsche is write when saying that without music life would be a mistake. I listen to almost everything, and if you have read my blog before you may know some of my favourites (:

I like chocolate. and cake. and sweetarts. adn candies in general. And, why not? Food in general. But I have this little obsesion with being thin and that stuff that makes me feel guilty after most meals.

Then, one of my favourite things about me, is that i love to learn. I believe learning is one of the most amazing things human beings can do, and I have everything I need to do it. So I try to use every learning oportunity I have.

So, apparently, I can be classified as a Nerd. Proudly, and thankfully, I am. John Green says,

Saying ‘I notice you’re a nerd’ is like saying, ‘Hey, I notice that you’d rather be intelligent than be stupid, that you’d rather be thoughtful than be vapid, that you believe that there are things that matter more than the arrest record of Lindsay Lohan. Why is that?’ In fact, it seems to me that most contemporary insults are pretty lame. Even ‘lame’ is kind of lame. Saying ‘You’re lame’ is like saying ‘You walk with a limp.’ Yeah, whatever, so does 50 Cent, and he’s done all right for himself.


…because nerds like us are allowed to be unironically enthusiastic about stuff… Nerds are allowed to love stuff, like jump-up-and-down-in-the-chair-can’t-control-yourself love it. Hank, when people call people nerds, mostly what they’re saying is ‘you like stuff.’ Which is just not a good insult at all. Like, ‘you are too enthusiastic about the miracle of human consciousness’.

So yeah, that’s basically it. Besides, lets face it: nerds are hot.

This past (444wordsmakeawish) days and weeks have been sooo freaking trascending! Like, so many things have happend and I’m not even kidding. And Know that the year is ending, I feel it went way to fast, and still it was one of the most memorable years for me ever. So many thing happened, i can barely believe it was just a year. But i like it this way, because (as afternoons) Busy years means something is happening, you are using your time and not wasting a single second.

Hey, nice idea for a New Year Resolution. Apparently the resolution of writing a novel (last year’s) went to the trash along with having six-pack abs and finnish knitting something. So this year I will commit to not waste a single minute of my life. hahaha this sounds really cool (:

So yeah, that’s all for know. Thanks for reading my philosophical shit, you know i love you guys ;D


November 30, 2010

Fashion Society @ we heart it

So yeah, I didn’t change anything in the term of a week and I didn’t post either. Aren’t I a sweet liar?
Well, maybe my studying habits changed a little, as I am procrastinating less. Hooray (:

Waiting hurts. Forgetting hurts. But the worst pain of all is not being able to decide. Paulo Coelho is right here. And it really, really hurts. Even when my decisions are taken, I am afraid of the outcome. I’ve come to realise I’m afraid of the future. Somehow I feel I have only three years and a half left to be myself, and after that, everything will be different. Again, desicions are giving me headaches. What if I don’t take the right path?

My brother once told me he was never worried because he had no time for being worried, his mind was always too busy. Maybe I’m having too much free time. And I still feel my days are being wasted, and wasted, and wasted. Minutes fly and laugh at me.

More than five books are waiting for my in my bookshelf, and I still cannot finish Coelho’s. If I keep writting I will start ranting against my horrible self, and I wouldn’t like that.

Oh well. I’ve taken recycling into a whole new level as I have saved most cookie and chip wrappers from the trash can. Have you seen those bags mades from folded wrappers? I’m in the process of making one, and I have a pile of trash materials in the corner of my room. I shall save the world, woohoo.

There is another pain. To make those you love suffer, and not being able to change it. Feeling useless and sorry. And not being able to help it.


11:11, make a wish.


November 20, 2010
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Omg I truly believe it is not fair that i have let my blog so much alone for such a long time ):
I feel kind of bad, not with it but with myself. Like If I had no commitment or something like that.

Some time ago I read that in order to feel good with yourself, you have to prove yourself you are worth it. And it makes sense, since your subconscious mind is not that much stupid to believe something with no fundaments you should not believe something which have no fundaments. The book talks about making small promises to yourself and fulfilling them, so you will truly trust you, the same way as people trust in you when you fulfill promises you make to them.

So, according to this theory, myself maybe belive I’m a freaking liar ;D
No, seriously, I have almost no trust in myself, and that is not nice at all. I’m totally willing to change that, like, now.
What is now? A week is soon enough? Okay, so I promise to myself I’ll change some thing in the term of a week. No signatures needed, just a promise to prove myself I’m worth it and I will tell you how it went next friday. The date is part of the promise aswell ;D

So enough existentialist shit already. 222 words, make a wish.
I had an idea to write about since a long time ago. Like, since last month, maybe?

We have a very important issue happening in Mexico daily, and it has nothing (much) to do with drug dealing. The problem is the people itself. Guys, we aren’t happy with ANYTHING.
For the mexican independence bicentenary the gov made some giant clocks to announce how much time was left for the magic date to arrive. So mexican press and some people were terribly annoyed about it, since it was “a waste of money” or something like that. Okay, I agree that maybe it was. But, what would you say if they had done nothing to celebrate it? What would their opinion be if there would just leave the date alone and said that budget would be destined to feed homeless people? Of course, press and public would be angry as hell.

Even if they had just used a small budget and made a small celebrations with it, they would complain about something like it wasn’t as amazing as US bicentenary or some stuff like that. Hell, the issue here is the constant need of complaining about the gov.

I am NOT a nationalist, and I feel some times our gov is a little bit retarded sometimes, but I still believe it is not okay to complain about every single thing and not try to do anything about them.
It is okay to disagree with the gov. It is perfect to hate the gov. But hell, just words wont change that much, unless you’re something like Gandhi, which most of us mortals are not ;D

So try to do something to change it, or stop complaining about it.

Or ignore my random midnight ranting, that’s an option as well 😀

enjoy aftermath, they are truly worth listening.

Some people live in a house on a hill…

September 10, 2010

I have something for birdcages.

Hello my dears (:

I can describe this day as nostalgia. For me, it is a physical feeling rather than an emotion. A bit of pain on the chest, even when small, steady and still.
It happened last year, during this time of the year I spent an amazing time. It was a time I believed I knew everything, and I believed I knew myself, and I was really happy with all the decisions I had taken so far.
Also, nostalgia from my childhood friends has chased me a little today. I haven’t seen any of them in a while, and we are all so much different from each other, and from what we used to be. I understand that is necessary, it is part of the growing up process, and I don’t complain about it. However, the pain is still there.

Nostalgia is a very strange pain, at least for me. Usually you try to eradicate pain, as part of human nature. Instead, when I get nostalgic I feel the best way to deal with it is just accept it, close my eyes, and let the pain wash itself. Hahaha, it is kind of hard to explain, but you should try it. Because at the end, everything you have been trough is everything you are, so you would be missing yourself. You are alive, you are here. There should not be pain, but happiness.

The search for happiness is more important than the necessity of pain.

Some religions believe pain is necessary to get a final heavenly reward. I disagree. There is no wrong in always trying to be happy, and maybe try to help other people to be happy aswell.
This is what I believe for myself (at least right now, I sometimes change my mind constantly lol), and I like the idea a lot (:

I understand you sometimes want to be sad, no matter what you refuse the idea of smiling. Been there, done that. So trust me, it is not worth it.

Cheesy enough? ;D
Now about the Pakistan Article I promised. yei. Skip the Block quote if you want to (: It is about the recent floods that have struck this country, opinions about them and a Possible solution. All is courtesy of BBC, so give them an applause for being so awesome ;D

More than 1,600 people have died and about 17 million of Pakistan’s 166 million people have been affected by the disaster.

Several hundred thousand more people have been forced to flee towns and villages in Pakistan’s southern Sindh province amid fresh flooding.

In the past weeks all but four of Sindh’s 23 districts have been deluged.
About 80% of Johi’s population of 60,000 has already fled, and at least 350,000 people in the local area are on the move, heading to safer ground.
The authorities in Sindh have been assessing agricultural damage wrought by the floods.
They say that agricultural losses in the province will reach $1bn, with the losses in cotton production alone put at over $370m – a situation made all the more serious by the fact that cotton is the country’s most important cash crop.
Across the country, the floods have ruined 3.6 million hectares (8.9 million acres) of farmland, and the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organisation said farmers urgently needed seeds to plant for next year’s crops.
The UN estimates that across the country, 1.2 million livestock, among them cattle used for ploughing, have drowned in the floods.


“People there are hungry and thirsty. There’s no electricity, no water, no gas, no food supplies. The nearest place where food is being distributed is Karora and the queues are 3-4km long.
Thousands of people come down from the mountains and stand in the sun for a whole day in order to get a bag of flour. The queues are long, these are simple people, their patience is compromised, queues are broken and some go away with bruises and injuries.
People desperately need more food and most importantly they need lady doctors. There are hundreds of thousands of women and children without a doctor. Kids were crying of pain and mothers were begging me to bring them female doctors.
If someone is ill, they put him on a stretcher which four men carry down the mountain until they reach the nearest hospital. That could take a couple of days of walking. And there are hundreds of thousands of people stuck there without any help.”
Omar Ahsan, in Shangla district

“I speak to my villagers all the time.
They are now staying in shelters made by themselves using plastic sheets. They don’t have water and food. Yesterday there was one helicopter to get food to them, but it’s not enough.
There’s a nearby place – about 3km away from my village – I am told there are six people trapped there, surrounded by water.
I try to organise aid for them. I am contacting the army to send relief helicopters to them.
There are sick people and they don’t have any medicine. I can’t describe it in words – it’s a very serious situation.
I don’t know when we’ll be able to return to our home. It will probably take six months. There’s nothing we can do. We are still in the state of shock.”
Nasrullah Jamali, from a village in Balochistan

“The waters have moved south and a few of my relatives, all men, have returned to the village. They say the water level is down, but there are many problems.
The houses are damaged by the water, but they’ll repair them. The problem they now face is lack of water. The water is not suitable for drinking and there’s the danger of water-borne diseases.
They get help from the government and from people living in nearby areas that haven’t been affected.”
Ghulam Nabi Magsi, who visited flood-hit Sindh Province

They are getting little help

It would seem that years of mismanagement, corruption, bad governance and army rule, punctuated by weak elected governments, have finally taken their toll.
At every turn donor countries, charitable foundations, wealthy individuals or school children inside the country or abroad are refusing to give money to the Pakistani state to alleviate the suffering of nearly 20 million people affected by the floods.
At the international level, donor countries are refusing to commit money to the government, and are channelling their aid to Western and Pakistani non-governmental organisations (NGOs).
Less than 20% of the aid pledged so far will go through the government, according to Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani.
Meanwhile, public fund raising by charities in the US and Europe is reported to be the lowest for any catastrophic act of nature in recent memory.
The UN appeal for $459m remains far from fulfilled – more than five weeks after the floods began.
The UN said on 2 September that international fund raising had ”almost stalled” in the previous two weeks, when only $17m dribbled in to UN coffers.
It seems the world has also given up on Pakistan, or at least that its government cannot be trusted by anyone.
The central government, the provincial governments, the army and even the National Assembly have bizarrely set up separate flood relief funds. And few Pakistanis are contributing because nobody trusts any of them.
However, major help is on the way with international financial institutions putting together between $2bn and $3bn for rehabilitation and rebuilding the destroyed infrastructure.

Suggested Solution

The politicians need to agree to set up a Trust Fund, much like that which operates in Afghanistan to fund the government, army and police.
Pakistan’s Reconstruction Trust Fund could be run by a board that included the World Bank, other international lending agencies and independent and prominent Pakistani economists and social welfare figures with no ties to the government.
Pakistanis would still take all the major decisions, but those who did so would not be the cronies of the president, the PM or the opposition leaders.
Pakistan’s finance bureaucracy and army would have seats at the table, but certainly no veto powers over how the money is spent.
Their job would be impartial implementation of recovery overseen by the Trust Fund.
Such a fund would not just monitor the cash, but help the government put together a non-political, neutral reconstruction effort.
It would also help plan long-term economic reforms, such as widening the tax base and insisting that landlords pay income tax.
The government has not tapped the large numbers of extremely competent Pakistani technocrats, NGO workers and economists.

From BBC

Oh, nice news: today I had my first official class including quadratic equations. applause applause 😀

Just one more thing before going to study Mexican History.

Listen to this song:
Home, by Vanessa Carlton.
I loooove her music ❤

AAAAND… before YOU go ;D
We have new buttons! Yei! they are right below here (:
So know you can use your Facebook account to like this post, tweet it, email it, reblog it, or print it.
Be nice enough to give me a Like, cause I know you do ;D

Take care, and thanks for reading (: