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And when he goes, he goes with a smile.

January 10, 2011

So let's see what happens.

Tomorrow we will be back to school. :c

In one side, well, it will be good as it will help me get more organized, be closer to my oh-so-needed scholarship, maybe get in a contest or two, and so.

In the other side, I HAAATE going back to school :c And I know It is quite stupid, as a school is the mayor place for learning, but for Christ sake, why so early?

Blah, Ms. Dean in Wuthering Heights says that if you do not get done half of your daily work by 10 o’clock, you will probably not finnish the other half.
So what other remedy do we have?

Oh well.
Recently I finished the longer story a have written since ever. It is like 21 pages long, and even when it is not that much, it is a lot for me. The problem is that since it is for a contest, it should have been no longer than 20 pages. And I hate it since I hade to scrunch everything at the en to make it fit.

So I hate it enough to not send it, even when the storyline is pretty cool. I am writting another one, and I am LOVING it. and the story line is somehow advanced, like I am around the middle, and have not even got to 10 pages. In a normal circumstance that would be kind of patethic, but at this point with lenght limits, it is heaven, believe me.

I am writting at a rate of 1000 daily words, more than i have written ever, and it feels extremly great. Apparently, this year I will accomplish some of my resolutions.

And that is good, isn’t it? (:

Hope you are doing nice with yours c:
Have a nice beggining of classes, I love you all ❤

There was no lyrics video for Deseperate Andy, so listen to this instead (:

rawr ❤

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