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Two oh Eleven:Eleven

December 31, 2010

Hello my dears.

This is our New Year’s Eve Special 😀
So I would like to recall what I learned this year. I can’t believe it is over, like, so many, many, things happened I can’t even believe they all happened in so little time.

In January, I learned that some guys don’t deserve you to want them. haha That has been a mayor discovery, truly.
Also, I learned that there is no need for you to be nervous in a MUN or any other project, you have to be sure you can do a great work because you can. Believing you can do it is key for doing it.

February was a month of heart breaks. I learned to truly miss someone. I learned to truly feel I needed someone, and that took me to understand that phrase by Coelho, “you don’t own anyone.”

That continued through March, my birthday. I got to realize 1/9 of my life had passed, and I haven’t done anything real. That is depressing lol. so I commit myself to get something done, something to be remembered.

April then was the beginning of summer, something beautiful. Summer is always believed to be the best part of everything, it is full of sunshine, and I truly needed that sunshine. But that month got me into some mistakes that shouldn’t have taken place. Well, I don’t know, mistakes make us grow, and now I know there are some thing you better keep to yourself. At the end, I am still sorry.

Emo enough? I don’t remember something interesting happened in may… oh, I remember now. I believe it was when I decided I want to study Economy and that stuff…

Now June is a month that has marked my life so much… There were some thing I wont ever forget about it, and I wouldn’t change at all.

July and august where all about June and what i got from that month.

Then September brought many tears, but I truly believe crying here prevented me from crying after this month.

The joy came again in October.

Then in November, well, what can I say about this month? Maybe that I will never forget it? and I truly will not ever forget it, of forget who I met here. Aswell, this month I learned that I am worth hell of a lot, and there is no one who can make me feel less than what I am. And that if someone you love makes you feel less, then there is no point in loving them.

Thankfully, drama is over here in december. haha This was really an amazing month, I had so much fun and loved a lot. This time there was really little drama for me, and that is awesome hahaha (; Also this month I started some projects I hope to end, and loved books more than I had loved them in a lot of time.

And so, this year is over, what am I expecting from next one?
Even when I said i would not do New Year Resolutions, I finally surrender to them. hahaha And more this year than ever.

  1. Read 11 books. At least. Why eleven? you see, I love this 11:11 thingie, so I’ll stick to that number.
  2. Write something worth publishing. Long, readable, with a good story, narrative and characters.
  3. For the past resolution, I have to commit to write everyday. Lets say 500 daily words. Maybe at some point of the year I will rise that number, haha.
  4. As doctors recommend, exercise at least 3 times a week.
  5. Get that freaking scholarship I want so much.

Everything material I want is reachable. And I will work for it.

Finally, as my major resolution, and as I already stated,

I will take advantage to the fullest of every single second of my life.

Because none of those moments will come back, and times running out.

Want something? Work for it.
Are you hurt? Cry, but not that much.
Is it too dark and sad inside? Go outside. I swear it is sunny, or starry, or fresh, and always beautiful.

And as Mary Schimch says, wear sunscreen.

Love you all, have the happiest Year of all, but not happier than the next.

Stay Calm and Celebrate,

Apple has amazing publicity.

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