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Take me back to the start…

December 27, 2010

is it me, or from one moment to the other all girls developed a passion for photographie?

I dunno if i told you before, but I write.
Like, short stories, wannabe novels, etc…
I haven’t written a lot. Actually, I (almost) never finish anything.

But I just read a book by Stephen King that is better than the bible (reserve your comments, i’m agnostic). Seriously, I feel totally iluminated, as if i had just discovered literature’s El Dorado.

They key, in my opinion? Determination.

And it is something many people (including myself) lack. Maybe I have been a little more determined since I woke up from my tarantums and realiced that a) life’s a bitch, b) you’ve got to work it out before it screw’s you, c) you truly have to do something, no exceptions.

Yes, I know all of them are quiet obvious, but hell, I hadn’t figure them out aqs clear as until some months ago. Maybe it started when I realised I am really going to have to work the hell out of me to get to the highschool i want to go. No crying, no sobbing about it being to expensive and the competence for the scholarship being to hard. That wont help at all. If i want it, i will have to work for it.

Same, as I am seeing right now, it is exaclty the same for writting. if you don’t sit down determined to write 1000 words, you won’t do it. Exceptions? Yes. I’ll invite you a meal if you bring me an exception, however (and they must write good, i’m not inviting to dinner someone who writes worse than me, no excuses).

So, an hour ago i wrote 1300 beautiful words. they still need revisions, editing and pulishing, but they are still there, with their thumbs up, smiling. And they are all mine ❤

Also, today I got some fake nails that look pretty (;
I'll go to eat something, and then read Cumbres Borrascosas.
It is only 8:00 and I feel the day was productive, and i usually don't feel that during school days. Ironic.

333 words make a wish, and have fun ❤
love you all (:

oh, almost forgot.
just because fashion is fashionable, it doesn't mean it looks good. seriously. no.

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