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November 20, 2010
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Omg I truly believe it is not fair that i have let my blog so much alone for such a long time ):
I feel kind of bad, not with it but with myself. Like If I had no commitment or something like that.

Some time ago I read that in order to feel good with yourself, you have to prove yourself you are worth it. And it makes sense, since your subconscious mind is not that much stupid to believe something with no fundaments you should not believe something which have no fundaments. The book talks about making small promises to yourself and fulfilling them, so you will truly trust you, the same way as people trust in you when you fulfill promises you make to them.

So, according to this theory, myself maybe belive I’m a freaking liar ;D
No, seriously, I have almost no trust in myself, and that is not nice at all. I’m totally willing to change that, like, now.
What is now? A week is soon enough? Okay, so I promise to myself I’ll change some thing in the term of a week. No signatures needed, just a promise to prove myself I’m worth it and I will tell you how it went next friday. The date is part of the promise aswell ;D

So enough existentialist shit already. 222 words, make a wish.
I had an idea to write about since a long time ago. Like, since last month, maybe?

We have a very important issue happening in Mexico daily, and it has nothing (much) to do with drug dealing. The problem is the people itself. Guys, we aren’t happy with ANYTHING.
For the mexican independence bicentenary the gov made some giant clocks to announce how much time was left for the magic date to arrive. So mexican press and some people were terribly annoyed about it, since it was “a waste of money” or something like that. Okay, I agree that maybe it was. But, what would you say if they had done nothing to celebrate it? What would their opinion be if there would just leave the date alone and said that budget would be destined to feed homeless people? Of course, press and public would be angry as hell.

Even if they had just used a small budget and made a small celebrations with it, they would complain about something like it wasn’t as amazing as US bicentenary or some stuff like that. Hell, the issue here is the constant need of complaining about the gov.

I am NOT a nationalist, and I feel some times our gov is a little bit retarded sometimes, but I still believe it is not okay to complain about every single thing and not try to do anything about them.
It is okay to disagree with the gov. It is perfect to hate the gov. But hell, just words wont change that much, unless you’re something like Gandhi, which most of us mortals are not ;D

So try to do something to change it, or stop complaining about it.

Or ignore my random midnight ranting, that’s an option as well 😀

enjoy aftermath, they are truly worth listening.

2 Comments leave one →
  1. Guess permalink
    November 21, 2010 1:01 am

    Oh Mon Dieu! Where do you find such hipster new cool music?

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